Dumfries Pig Sale
Attention to All Pig Producers
For all forthcoming sales of Pigs at Dumfries, ALL movement licences must be notified with ScotEID by the FRIDAY prior to the Sale.
All pigs MUST be ear tagged - Dumfries Market will NOT accept pigs with slap marks or tattoos.
Robert Weir, Auctioneer
C & D Auction Marts Ltd, Dumfries held their Annual Christmas show and sale of pigs of all classes on Monday 9th December 2024.
The show was judged by David Stamper of Preston who awarded his championship to an entry from Miss M. P. Tattersall, Enzieholm Farm, Dumfriesshire, this went on to top the sale at £250.00.
Prime pigs to £250.00 and £200.00; Cast sows to £100.00 and breeding boars to £200.00.
The next pig sale is on Monday 20th January 2025, all entries are now actively sought. Please contact the auctioneer on 07885 729 495 or office on 01387 279 495.
C & D Auction Marts Ltd, Dumfries held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs on Monday 2nd September 2024.
There was an excellent quality show forward, from as far afield as Aberdeen and Argyll with a number of new buyers in attendance. A good trade resulted in a total clearance. More could have been sold.
Baconers sold to a top of £165 per head for a pen of pure Landrace from Dumfries House Home Farm, with others to £155 from Fairhill. Sows sold to £115 with cross-bred cutters to £95 and £85, Large Black cutters to £85 and British Saddleback growers to £75 and £70. Overall sale average £84.
The next pig sale is on Monday 11th November (no sale in October). Enquiries and entries to auctioneer (07885 729495) or office (01387 279495)
C & D Auction Marts Ltd, Dumfries held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs on Monday 5th August 2024.
There was an excellent show of predominantly store and young pigs and a total clearance was effected, with a strong ringside of buyers in attendance. Entries were forward from as far afield as Campbeltown and North Berwick and the sale was topped by Mr S. Ewing, Sanquhar with 2 pens of outstanding pure Landrace light cutters selling at £80 per head. British Saddleback growers sold to £65 and Oxford Sandy Black weaners to £48.
C & D Auction Marts Ltd, Dumfries held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs on Monday 8th July 2024.
A smaller entry was forward to a good level of demand and a total clearance effected.
A pair of Welsh baconers topped the sale at £165 per head with others to £120. Pens of Large Black cutters sold to £90 with growers to £75 and £70 and younger stores to £58.
C & D Auction Marts held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs at Dumfries on Monday 13th May 2024.
Quality Prime Pigs were in keen demand with several butcher customers present and trade for these was brisk. Less finished sorts were harder to cash. Topping the sale were a fine pen of British Saddleback bacon gilts from Ben Hutchinson, Dumfries, selling at £200.00 per head.
Stronger weaners were in keen demand with best quality British Saddlebacks topping their section at £75 each from Mr Robert Kirkwood Dumfries.
C&D Auction Marts Ltd, Dumfries held their monthly sale of pigs of all classes on Monday 4th March 2024.
The sale again saw an improved trade over recent months with vendors travelling from as far afield as Orkney.
The sale was topped by a Mr W Hornsby, Cumbria at £250 for a pen of six Pietrain baconers.
Baconers held a level trade throughout as did most other classes but with weaners still looking tempting value for purchasers.
Many more pigs could have been sold to advantage.
C&D Marts Ltd Dumfries held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs on Monday 5th February 2024 where trade was the strongest for some months.
A smaller show than usual were presented to a strong ringside of buyers with a full clearance of the 60 head forward being effected to seven different purchasers. Pigs were present from as far afield as Aberdeen and Oban.
The sale was topped by Mr Hornsby with a beautiful pen of Pietrain X bacon pigs which sold to £230 each. All classes were keenly sought after but bacon pigs were most hotly contested with prices for these ranging from £180 to £200 per head.
All other classes also sold extremely well with weaners selling to £55.
C & D Auction Marts Ltd Dumfries held their Annual Christmas Show and Sale of all classes of pigs on Monday 11th December 2023.
The show was admirably judged by Mrs Wendy Stamper, Preston who awarded the championship to Mrs A Lawson Orkney who presented a fine pen of pure Berkshire gilts with the reserve going to the same home for an equally outstanding pen of pure Berkshire boars.
The sale was topped by an in-pig Large White X Pietrain gilt selling at £250.00 for Mr Hornsby.
Prime pigs continued to sell at a sound trade throughout topping at £240.00 but stores and growers proved hard to cash as can be the case at this season of the year.
C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs at Dumfries on Monday 13th November 2023.
A less numerous show of top quality mainly prime pigs were presented to a competitive ringside of buyers.
A sound trade prevailed with baconers to £250, cutters to £155 and growers and weaners to £50. Cast pigs sold to £165.
C & D Marts Dumfries held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs on Monday 16th October 2023, to include a sale of breeding pigs. A much larger entry met a consistent trade throughout with realisations similar to last month.
Baconers sold to £240 per head for a smart pen of Pietrain Cross from Aldoth, Cumbria. Other baconers sold to £170 for Large Blacks with cutters to £120 and stores to £80 with less demand for smaller growers. A good entry of cast pigs sold well to £180 (twice) and £170 for sows and £170 for boars.
Tamworth Boar from Ardyne Organic Farms sold for £235
Breeding boars sold to £235 for an aged Tamworth stock boar and £180 for a young registered Large Black. Breeding sows went to £180 for a registered Tamworth with well-bred young gilts looking tempting value at £90.
C & D Marts Dumfries held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs on Monday 4th September 2023.
A similar entry to last month was forward with quality being exceptional. Numbers were insufficient to meet demand and a strong trade was experienced with a total clearance effected. More pigs could have been sold to advantage.
Baconers sold to £215 per head for an exceptional pair of Gloucester Old Spots from Upper Locharwoods, Dumfries. A pair of Caithness consigned Large Black baconers realised £200 each with other pens of Large Black baconers from the same home to £195. Cast sows from Perthshire sold to £100 with boars from Newton Stewart also at £100. Cross-bred growers sold at £70 with several pens of Oxford Sandy Black growers selling to £60 (twice); £60 also was paid for Saddlebacks and £48 for Iron Age crosses.
C & D Marts Dumfries held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs on Monday 7th August 2023.
A smaller entry was forward but demand was strong with a total clearance effected.£ More pigs could have been sold to advantage.
Baconers sold to £235 and £230 for Saddlebacks from Kelso and £235 for a Large White cross from Earlston. A Pertshire consigned pen of four Large Black gilts realised £198 per head. Boars made to £172 and £170 with cast sows to £158. Young boars were making £95 for Pietrain and £90 for Oxford Sandy Blacks. Oxford Sandy Black growers made £90 for a pen of six with a pen of seven at £75.
C & D Marts Dumfries held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs on Monday 10th July 2023.
Trade for most classes of pigs was rather stronger on the month with new customers in attendance. A pen of five Pietrain cross Oxford Sandy Black baconers from Newton Arlosh, Cumbria topped the sale at £185. Pietrain cross heavy cutters sold to £120 for a pen of five with others to £98. Growers sold to £80 for Large Blacks, £80 for Saddlebacks and £48 for pure Landrace. Geld gilts made to £100 with young boars at £92. Pietrain cross Sandy Black weaners sold to £78 for a choice pen of gilts.£
C&D Auction Marts Ltd Dumfries held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs on Monday 12th June 2023.
A£ smaller than usual show was presented but quality was good and the trade that followed was the best for some time with a total clearance effected.
The sale was dominated by prime pigs with only a very few small pens of weaners and growers shown.
The sale was topped by a terrific pen of beautifully finished Large Black baconers from Ardyne Estate, Argyll selling at £240 per head with several very classy Landrace bacon gilts, from Mr Ian Stewart, Ayrshire, selling at £192.
Cast boars to £250.00
Cast sows to £125.00
Baconers to £240.00
Cutters to £95.00
Store pigs to £82.00
Weaners to £65.00
C & D Auction Marts of Dumfries held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs on Monday 15th May 2023, followed by a special sale of pedigree and non-pedigree breeding pigs.
Across the board, standards were excellent with consignments from as far afield as Cheshire and Caithness.
Messrs Booth & Son, Broad Oak Farm, Lymm, Cheshire made the long journey to Dumfries with a pair of exceptional pedigree British Lop Ear gilts from their Chapel herd.£ Both in-pig to homebred boars and scanned in-pig, these each sold for £365; both going to Kinross based buyers, J. & H. Buchanan, Hardiston Farm.
Serving gilts were the main feature of the breeding sale and these sold to £200, twice, for pure-bred British Saddlebacks from Earlston;£ £190 and £170 for pure Landrace from Girvan and £180 and £170 for British Saddleback cross Large Blacks from Maybole. Younger gilts made to £135 for Pietrain cross, £120 for Large Blacks and £105 for Middle Whites. Young stock boars sold to £155.
In the commercial section a smaller but better quality show met a slightly improved trade on the month.£ Boars sold to £225 for a Tamworth and cast sows met good demand to £230 and £210. Baconers sold to £200 for Landrace gilts and £195 for a strong pen of Iron Age crosses. Cutters & strong stores made to £102 for Oxford Sandy Blacks.
A good quality show of 110 head on Monday 3rd April 2023 met with a generally brisk trade throughout especially in the cast sow & prime pig sections, these being topped by an enormous geld gilt from Mr Michael Irving. She scaled a monumental 375kg and sold for £280, closely followed by her stablemate selling at £260.
Baconers sold to a top of £240 per head for a pen of six pure organic Large Blacks from Ardyne Estate.
Butchers' and stronger pigs were easy to sell with many more sought to quench demand but weaners and younger stores are still proving harder to cash and look excellent value to buyers.
There was a smaller entry of 101 head at the monthly sale of pigs at Dumfries Mart on Monday 6th March 3023, but trade was considerably improved on the month with a significant demand for butchers` and cast pigs and more interest in stores and growers than of late.
Entries were forward from as far afield as Banffshire and Argyll and a total clearance was effected.£
The overall average was £86 per head.
Organic Large Black baconers realised £240 with others to £140 for Durocs and Tamworths and £130 for Saddlebacks.£ Cast sows topped at £180 for a Gloucester Old Spot. Other sows made to £140 and £120 and many more could have been successfully sold. Cutters went to £120 with growers and stores at £65 for Saddlebacks and others to £58 and £55.
At the monthly sale of pigs at Dumfries Mart on Monday 6th February 2023, butchers' pigs, cast and store pigs were all a little dearer with new buyers in attendance.
However, demand for weaners remains minimal and, at the very modest prices pertaining for weaners, buyers are strongly encouraged to consider stocking up on these for the Spring.
Entries were forward from as far afield as Caithness and Argyll.
Cast boars sold to £155, cast sows to £140 and £120 with heavy baconers also to £140. Cutters and stores made to £100 for Duroc, £82 for Tamworths and £70 for an attractive entry of Middle Whites. Pure Berkshire gilts sold at £98. Overall average was £78.
121 pigs were sold at the annual Christmas Show and Sale at Dumfries Mart on Monday 12th December 2022.
Entries were forward from as far afield as Aberdeenshire and Yorkshire with trade showing a general improvement over recent months and a near 90% selling rate.
Leading the sale was a very smart pedigree in-pig British Saddleback young sow from the Wensleydale based consignment of Rowan Simms.£ She made £340 to J.C. Gemmell, Dunduff Farm, Dunure.
Champion pair of Landrace x Large White gilts
Leading the show were the champion pair of Landrace x Large White gilts.£ Tipping the scales at 121kgs., these were from Ian Stewart, Kirkpatrick Farm, Pinmore and sold to the judge, Wendy Stamper, Chipping, at £300 each.
Quality was generally excellent with Large Black baconers from Argyll to £220. £Heavy sows sold to £160 and £150 (thrice) with others to £140. Boars topped at £140 and £130. Cutters met good demand to £105 and £100 with useful demand for forward stores but weaners were still hard to cash, although more were sold, reflecting the price of feed.
Reserve Champions
First Prize Sow
Robert Kirkwood of Mouswald Grange Farm, donated a cast British Saddleback Sow with the sale proceeds of £160 going to the Prader-Willi Syndrome charity.
102 pigs were forward at the monthly sale at Dumfries on Monday 14th November 2022 with consignors from as far afield as Argyll and Fife. Trade for butchers` and cast pigs and stronger stores was much improved on the month with new buyers operating and an overall average of £109 resulting. However weaners remain very hard to cash, reflecting the season and current high input costs.
Quality was excellent with Large Black baconers from Argyll to £220. Heavy sows sold to £128 for Large Blacks and £122 for Tamworths with others to £120 and £118. Boars topped at £122 and £108. Cutters met good demand to £112, £102 and £100 with forward stores at £90 and £88.
108 pigs were forward at the monthly sale at Dumfries on Monday 3rd October 2022 with consignors from as far afield as Caithness and North-East England.£ Trade was generally stronger on the month although demand for weaners was limited, as anticipated at this time of year, with there being more demand for growers.
Quality was excellent with Large Black baconers from Argyll to £220.£ Pedigree Large Black gilts made to £160 and £150 (twice) with a good entry of Middle-White gilts levelling at £100.
Stronger weaners sold to £50; cross-bred cutters met improved demand to £105, £103 and £102; stores to £85, £80 and £75.
104 pigs were forward at the monthly sale at Dumfries on Monday 5th September 2022 and met an improved trade on the month.
Westerley Majestic Eagle, a pedigree Large Black boar from Masham, North Yorkshire sold for £330 to an Argyll based purchaser and an in-pig British Saddleback young sow, Afton Duchess 178, from the same vendor made £200 to an Ayrshire buyer. Other sows and gilts made to £165 and £122 with a minature Kune-Kune sow at £100.
Large Black baconers sold to £220 with cutters and stores to £82, £75 and £72. Strong weaners to £65 but little demand for smaller weaners this month. A significantly stronger trade for cast sows and boars was experienced.
A smaller show of 81 pigs was forward at the monthly sale at Dumfries on Monday 8th August 2022 and met a similar trade to the last couple of months with regular and new buyers in attendance but caution still prevailing owing to the high input costs across the industry generally.
Quality was excellent with Large Black baconers from Argyll to £220 and Saddleback cutters from Jedburgh to £110 and £92 with other cutters & forward stores at £85, £80 and £70. Registered Berkshire gilt weaners from Broughton in Furness sold to £70 and a pen of exceptional Mangalitza cross nine-week old weaners from Kirkby Stephen made £50 with Oxford Sandy Blacks from Stirling at the same price.
153 pigs were sold at the monthly sale at Dumfries on Monday 13th June 2022.
New and regular buyers were in attendance and, although trade still reflects the nationwide condition of the pig industry, there was, again, an uplift in demand over previous months. Entries were forward from a wide area including Western & Central Scotland and the Southern Lake District.
A pen of three pure-bred Welsh gilts from Steven Wilson, Bishopbriggs sold at £180 with others from the same consignor at £115.
Baconers sold to £220 for Organic Large Blacks with cutters to £98 and £95 for Large Blacks and Duroc Crosses. Weaners topped at £65 for Duroc Crosses with Three Way Cross growers also at £65 and Saddleback Cross growers at £75. Sows with young litters looked good value and future buyers` attention is drawn to these.
Cast sows and boars met a better than anticipated trade and were ahead of national levels with prices significantly higher than a few months ago.
138 pigs were sold at the monthly sale at Dumfries on Monday 16th May 2022. There was a much increased attendance of buyers and interested parties and, although trade still reflects the nationwide diffiuclties of the pig industry, there was a significant lift in demand over previous months.
A young pure pedigree registered Berkshire breeding boar from Messrs MacKay, Ulpha, Broughton in Furness made £200 to Mr G. Fleming, Greenlees, Kelso.
The May sale of weaners saw a good clearance to £70 for a pen of Aberdeenshire consigned Saddlebacks with Gloucester Old spot crosses from Stirling at £40, and £42 for Pietrain cross Saddlebacks from New Abbey.
Cutters & Baconers sold to £220 for Large Blacks with others to £130, £120 and £110 for Saddlebacks and Tamworths. There was improved demand generally for forward stores.
At Dumfries on Monday 4th April 2022, C & D Auction Marts held their monthly sale of pigs of all classes.
95 pigs were forward. Trade continued to reflect the national difficulties of the pig industry and bidding was selective but showed a marked improvement on the month with new customers in attendance.
Baconers sold to £220 for six quality Large Blacks with more commercial types to £130. Cutters made to £80 for an Ironage cross Duroc but others were hard to cash.
The seasonal trade for weaners showed encouraging signs with demand for all classes of these and selling to £65 for a nice pen of Gloucester Old Spots from Robert Montgomery, Stirling and £52 for British Saddleback gilts from Ian Burgess, New Abbey.
At Dumfries on Monday 7th February 2022, C & D Auction Marts held their monthly sale of pigs of all classes.
Reflecting national trends trade was mixed, particularly for weaners and stores and a good ringside of buyers bid selectively with breeding and butchers pigs in most demand.
The day's trading was topped at £189.00 each for a pair of in-pig pedigree British Saddleback sows, from Mrs Rowan Simms, Masham, North Yorkshire. These were bred pure to a breed champion boar.
Heavy Cutters sold to a top of £150.00 from a consignment from Mr D. Morley, Kincardineshire. Other cutters made to £95 and £85 with growers and weaners to £50.00 and £40.00 respectively.
137 pigs were sold at the monthly sale at Dumfries on Monday 4th October 2021 with consignors from as far afield as Aberdeen and Argyll.£ Trade was consistent and in line with present trends.
There was good demand for weaners which made to £60 and £55 for Pietrain-cross and £48 and £45 for Saddlebacks.
Baconers sold to £130 for Large Blacks and £100 for Mangalitsas. An aged Large White breeding boar took £150 with Large White gilts, £150 and £142.£ Saddleback boars to £125 and a regular commercial trade for porkers and stores.
At the Special Sale of Pedigree and Commercial Pigs at Dumfries on Saturday 4th September 2021, C & D Auction Marts had 203 head forward with 191 sold. report
A smaller entry of 63 pigs was forward for the monthly sale on Monday 9th August 2021 but quality was particularly good and a number of new buyers were present; a strong trade resulted with demand outstripping supply.
The sale was topped by an exceptional young pure-bred Pietrain sow with a litter of twelve crossbred weaners at foot from Mrs Shona Stevenson, Ayrshire, which sold for £600.£ A good class of maiden gilts were led by a one-year-old Pietrain gilt at £200 from Master Ramsay Stevenson, the first of his own reared pigs.
A super pen of Large Black bacon pigs from Ardyne Estate, Argyll made to £200 with cutters to £160 and £120.
Weaners met the best trade for some months to £92 for Large Blacks from Ardyne, £72 for Tamworths from Newlands and £72 for Pietrains from Eden Lodge.
A good entry of 133 head was forward at Dumfries on Monday 12th July 2021.
In line with national trends, trade was back on the month with some categories harder to cash.£
Weaners sold to £70 for Landrace crosses from Mr Wilson Brown, Falkirk.£ Baconers to £115, cutters to £90 and cull sows to £110.
At Dumfries on Monday June 14th 2021, C & D Auction Marts held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs.£ A strong trade prevailed with a good attendance of buyers.
Weaners were well short of supply and very easy to sell. These sold to £65 and £62 for Gloucester Old Spot Crosses from J. Smith, Townhead of Glengaber, with British Saddlebacks to £50.£
Prime pigs were very easily cashed to £200 per head for three pens of organic Large Black Baconers from Ardyne Estates, with others from the same seller to £190.£ A pen of Black cross Tamworth from R. Douglas, Craigsford also made £190 with others to £160 per head for pens of Large Whites and Traditional Blues from Northrigg Hill.
The Breeding Section was also well supported with Large White Gilts selling to £120 to a new young producer, keen to start a pure herd.
The cast section was a much smaller show than usual but prices were rather improved on previous months, topping at £82 for a geld Large White Sow from Messrs Kirkwood, Mouswald Grange with others to £70 and £65.
183 pigs were forward at the monthly sale at Dumfries on Monday 3rd May 2021, one of the largest entries to date with a total clearance effected.£ Prices showed an increase over recent months, particularly for weaners and stores.
Topping the sale was an outstanding pure Pietrain sow with a litter of twelve from Sunnyside, Cumnock; she sold for £520 to go to Hamsterley, County Durham.£ Pietrain gilts from the same consignor sold at £200 each.£ Also among the breeding pigs, a great run of young Oxford Sandy Black gilts and boars from Fairhills sold to £130.
Large Black baconers from Ardyne Estate topped the butchers` section at £180 with porkers and cutters to £150.£ A good quality show of weaners were well received with Large White cross Saddleback traditional blues from Humbie Holdings, Kirknewton to £65 and many others at similar prices.
A much smaller show was forward at the sale of pigs at C & D Auction Marts, Dumfries on Monday 5th April 2021 but quality was very good.
Weaners sold to £42 for fine British saddlebacks from Mr Ian Burgess, Dumfries with young breeding gilts to £72 for a cracking pure Large White from Mr Drummond, Stranraer. Serving gilts sold for £120 for a cross-bred from Messrs I & R Leadbetter, Fife.
Butcher's pigs were in keen demand and hotly contested with top quality baconers selling to £189 and £185 for superb pure Large Blacks from Ardyne Estate who, again, topped the market.
A rather smaller show of 90 pigs were forward at Dumfries Mart for their monthly sale on Monday 8th March 2021, but quality was excellent throughout with trade topping at £175. Sellers were present from across Scotland with some new buyers operating.
Breeding gilt weaners were easily sold to £92 for Oxford Sandy Blacks from J.D.M. Thomson, Newlands & £65 for Saddlebacks from Ian Burgess, Maryfield.£ Other weaners met a mixed trade & porkers were in short supply but sold at an acceptable rate given the current national trends and over-supply. Quality crossbred cutters sold really well to £165 for Pietrain/Gloucester Old Spots from Robert Kirkwood, Mouswald Grange. Baconers too met demand with exceptional Large Black gilts from Ardyne Organic Farms making to £175 with others at £168 & £165 from Ardyne & £160 & £140 ex Chapelton, Auchenblae.
Breeding pigs were in shorter supply than anticipated but sold to £160 for a crossbred in-pig gilt consigned by D. Morley, Chapelton, Auchenblae.£ Cast sows & boars were a little ahead of the very depressed current national market but with a very moderate top of £63.
At the monthly pig sale on Monday 8th February 2021 at Dumfries Mart, C & D Auction Marts sold 215 pigs, their largest entry for some time.
New buyers were in attendance and quality large prime pigs met a good trade, going to £160, as did small weaners which sold to £62 for British Saddleback gilts from Messrs Mitchell, Banff.£ Cast sows sold well relative to the national trend but intermediate weights, stores and light prime porkers, attracted only moderate demand, again reflecting the national state of the pig trade.
Baconers sold to £160, heavy cutters to £130, cutters to £115, porkers to £72, cast sows to £60, breeding gilts to £134, in-pig sows to £130 & young boars to £120.
This was the first anniversary of the successful re-commencement of monthly pig sales at the mart and 103 were sold on Monday 14th December 2020.
An inpig British Saddleback£topped the sale at££300 for Mr Mark Day, Carlcroft
to Mr Michael Dobson, Hillhead.
A small herd dispersal from Mark Day, Carlcroft, Harbottle, Northumberland produced the day`s top price, £300 for a four year old purebred British Saddleback sow, in-pig to the stock boar.£ She was purchased by M.J. & J.A. Dobson, Hillhead, Auldgirth, Dumfries.£ Others breeding pigs sold to £150, also from Carlcroft.
In line with national trends, store and prime pigs were slightly harder to cash on the month. Cutters sold to £100 from SRUC, Easter Howgate; weaners topped at £50 for British Saddleback gilts from Gary Scott, Broxburn; porkers sold to £80 for some exceptional Duroc gilts from Jason Knaggs, Doncaster who also sold boars at £70.£ Baconers and cast pigs sold to £100.
C & D Auction Marts had 102 pigs for their monthly sale at Dumfries on Monday 2nd November 2020.£
In line with national trends, accentuated by the upcoming lock-down, all classes of fat and cast pigs proved harder to cash.
Weaners and breeding pigs were easier sold with pure Duroc weaners, all the way from Chester, selling to £48 twice from Deva Durocs who also topped the in-pig section with an aged Duroc sow at £130.£A Kune sow with a litter of seven took £170.
Cast sows made to £105; baconers to £80 for Large Blacks; cutters to £105 for Tamworth crosses and porkers to £70.
The monthly sale of pigs at Dumfries Mart was held on Monday 5th October 2020.£
Despite current slightly depressed trends in the pig trade, a larger show of some 150 head were forward with some very good quality entries.£ There was a good ringside of bidders with strong demand for meat types and more could have been sold.£ However, the seasonal drift away of enthusiasm for long keep weaners was evident.
Weaners to £50 for Saddlebacks; Porkers to £62; Cutters to £114; Baconers to £135; Sows to £120 and Boars to £115.
A quality entry of over 100 pigs were forward for the monthly sale at Dumfries Mart on Monday 7th September 2020 with buyers from as far afield as Midlothian and Lancashire.
Prices for sows and heavy pigs were at a lower rate on the month, in line with national trends, and there was plenty of demand for breeding females.
Sows sold to a top of £155, baconers to £150, cutters to £130, porkers to £70 and young weaners at up to £50.££ Native breed in pig sows were topped at £150 with a Saddleback sow and her litter at £250.
At Dumfries, C & D Auction Marts held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs on 10th August 2020 with a smaller but good quality entry and an exceptional trade.
Top price was for a superior in-pig Saddleback sow, Freestone Dinah 20th in pig for the second time and sired by Nancenoy Grand Duke 12th.£ From Mrs Rowan Simms of Masham, North Yorkshire, she sold for £260.£
Saddleback breeding gilts sold to £210 with a Saddleback boar at £180.£ A purebred unregistered Tamworth unserved sow made £210 and a strong consignment of heavy cast sows from one farm sold to £205 and averaged £190 for a pen of six.
Baconers sold to £190, cutters to £180 and porkers to £130.£
At Dumfries on Monday 13th July, C & D Auction Marts held their monthly sale of pigs on Monday 13th July 2020.
A smaller entry was forward but with a good quality selection of traditional breeds, mainly Saddleback, Gloucester Old Spot and Tamworth. Sows reflected the lower trade generally on the week and made to £165 but other classes sold well with baconers to £150, cutters to £120, porkers to £100 and weaners to £65.
C & D Auction Marts Ltd recommenced their monthly sales of pigs at Dumfries on Monday 1st June 2020.
There was an excellent show of pigs forward from as far afield as North Yorkshire and the Mull of Kintyre.£ Attending and agency buyers were keen for stock and all classes met serious competition. Many more could have been sold to seller`s advantage.
Sows and boars sold to £160, Baconers to £150, Cutters to £105, Porkers to £72 and Weaners to £58.
C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their monthly sale of pigs in Dumfries on Monday 9th March 2020.
A great show for quality and supply forward to a very keen ringside of buyers for all classes of pigs. Butcher buyers especially making their presence felt. Heavy pigs easy to cash especially baconers, cast sows & boars, with demand seriously outstripping supply.
Sows & Boars to £230
Baconers to £180
Cutters to £155
Porkers to £80
Weaners to £65
C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their monthly sale of pigs in Dumfries on Monday 10th February 2020.
A great show of pigs forward to a large ringside of buyers sold at an expectional trade. Most classes were keenly sought after. Sows being the keenest sold to £210, baconers to £160, porkers to £130, weaners to £65.
C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their inaugural show and sale of pigs in Dumfries on Monday 9th December 2019.
All classes of pigs were well supported and a keen ringside of buyers saw a brisk trade ensue. Weaners were harder to cash. Porkers and cutters sold well to vendors expectations and sows and boars were hotly competed for overall a successful sale for quality sorts.
Champion gilt sold to £140 from£ SAC College, Easter Howgate.
Weaners to £80, Light Porkers to £85, Growers to £45, Cutters to £100, Baconers to £120, Sows to £140, Boars to £110.
Overall Champion - First Prize Maiden Gilt from Scottish Agriculture College Easter Howgate sold for £140 with Auctioneer and judge Robert Weir
- Overall Champion - First Prize Maiden Guilt from Scottish Agriculture Collage Easter Howgate sold for £140
- First prize pen 214
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- First Prize Boar Pig
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- DSC_8357
- DSC_8343
- Overall Champion - First Prize Maiden Guilt from Scottish Agriculture College Easter Howgate sold for £140 with Auctioneer and judge Robert Weir
- DSC_8586
- First prize Best Weaners
- First prize Organic Pigs from Dumfries House sold for £85 each
- DSC_8386
- Reserve Champion First Prize Sow sold for £130
- DSC_8361
- DSC_8573
- DSC_8363
- DSC_8399
- First prize Best Weaners-2
- Overall Champion - First Prize Maiden Guilt from Scottish Agriculture Collage Easter Howgate sold for £140-2
- DSC_8300
- DSC_8305
- DSC_8304